Self-realization – What does it truly mean?

Before any attempt can be made to provide an explanation, it must be understood that everything in this world can be thought of problems and solutions to those problems. As many intellectuals have already noted, “to solve a problem, one needs to have a clear & thorough understanding of the problem itself”. 

So what is the problem here? The quest for getting to know the truth would obviously direct us to the problem – what is the real meaning of self-realization? So let us start by analyzing the problem. 

The term self-realization seems to be self-explanatory and we get a rough idea that it has something to do with becoming aware of one’s own self. Easy, isn’t it? Yes, but is the definition complete? What does one’s own self mean? 

Is it the body that moves, eats, drinks & takes a nap? Is it the mind that thinks, prompts one to act, and visualizes the different fantasies of the world? Is it both of these, neither of these, or a combination of these with something else? 

We are surrounded by the cosmic powerAh! Now what is this all non-sense stuff about cosmic power? It may sound absurd, however when one thinks about it in depth, it has to be acknowledged. We are surrounded by it all the time. 

Its only sad and disappointing that we have lost our intelligent faculties to identify it, be in harmony with it and grow along with it. Of course all the different cultures on this earth have duly noted this. 

Its only that they have named it according to their convenience. You have surely heard of “Chi”, “Tao”, “Prana” right? And the list continues. Ever wondered what do they mean? As Confucius narrates the parable of a baby fish and its mother, we must realize that every one of us is engulfed with the same cosmic entity.

Ok, hang on…It is not a surprise that by reading the above lines many of you may have dismissed it outright. Yes, it does not bring any excitement and sounds just as if someone is pointing to the clouds overhead and say “look at that, there is water in there!”. 

Of course everyone knows the principle, sea water evaporates and form clouds. One would say that after science has proved this by performing experiments and we have been trained by means of education to accept things that are rational to us, that make sense to us.

Unfortunately, the topic that we are dealing with is not something that can be perceived by everyone in the same intensity of light. Some need more and others can manage to grasp the truth with less. 
The control to understand self-realization lies within ourselves
And the interesting part lies in the control of intensity - who controls this? It is the individual who has the control!

Yes, we do have the ownership of controlling this intensity in order to bring ourselves into the path of truth, to understand our own self. 

Science has not yet been able to provide a step-by-step approach to direct us towards the control. Maybe it will happen soon. 

Let us see what we can do in the meantime to help ourselves to realize the truth.


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