Welcoming another new year

As we step into another new year, there is a lot of stuff going on in the back of our minds. Of these, some are conscious enough to get converted into resolutions and some others quite abstract, thus remain hidden beneath the pile of thoughts. 

At a time when we look back at the happenings of an entire year gone by and introspect, it is important for us to think of the year ahead.

During this exercise, we realize that while one cycle has culminated, another one has begun its journey

Inevitably, being part of these, there is an urge from within all of us to break out from such a routine and be free forever. 

Is it possible to gain this freedom? The answer lies within ourselves.

It depends on the intensity of desire to destroy the shackles of such bondage. The more will one puts into this effort, the more success the person would taste. 

The accompanying pain one endures might eat away the current lifestyle but prepares the same person for a better livelihood in due course of time. 

This is the reason why Benjamin Franklin aptly commented - 
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.

Let us strive to become better in the new year. 


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