Perceive the Reality

We are bound to the earthly elements to such an extent that we fail to notice the reality. We tend to follow our daily routines rigidly without spending even few moments to reflect upon the truth. 

It is not that we can see, however we do not attempt such an exercise. Once this question appears in our mind, it will surely trigger us to raise our awareness and then perceive the reality.

So what is this reality that we do not have an idea about? Confucius narrates following parable to make us understand this. 

A baby fish asked its mother, “I keep hearing from everyone about water. What is it?" 
The mother answered “Water is what you swim in. We are made of water and we go back to water after we die.” 
"But where is it? I cannot see it?” questioned the baby to which the parent answered “You look around, there is water everywhere. There is water inside us as well as outside. Water surrounds us. We cannot be separated from water.”

Now how can a fish know about it if it has not seen anything other than water? It spends the entire lifetime within that but without realization. It has to raise above the surface and then it can see the reality. 

In a similar manner, we, human beings forget the cosmic laws that surround us. We ignore the principles underlying the universe and instead think that we rule the world.

Thus Confucius concluded “Fish forget they live in water; people forget they live in the Tao." We all live in the ocean of Tao. It flows over us; it is within us and all around us. It enfolds us like our own skin, and yet we cannot perceive it; Indeed, most of us have no idea what it is.”

Let us reflect upon this thought and at least make a sincere effort to become aware of the reality. 


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