Which is better – Prodigality or Parsimony?

Spending money in an excessive, wasteful, extravagant manner is Prodigality. The exact opposite is Parsimony. It is an unwillingness to spend money wastefully. 

Some relate it to miserliness but it is apt to define it as the quality of being careful with money matters.
Now, let us look at the question. Which quality do you think is better?

Can the golden plates and spoons in dining hall suffice to kill hunger? A person who wishes to be indulged in extreme comforts, attempts to display the riches that he possesses lavishly dives into a self-created well of egotism. 

Without being able to come out of the borehole, the person struggles to lead a happy life. 

However he makes the well look like a beautiful spring in an attempt to mask his own struggle. He turns arrogant.

On the other hand, when a person leads a simple and austere life, he would learn to be content with his possessions. 

He would understand the reality of life and won’t have to wear a false face in front of others. 

It is important for him to assess this quality and not allow it go to extremes however this person gradually turns to be treated as a niggard.

In this context, Confucius comments that it is better to be a niggard than arrogant. To become haughty in presence of opulent things and being indulged in grandiose display of such stuff will only lead to a downfall. 

Thus the great master tells us to choose wisely the path of parsimony. But it has to be noted that being a miser serves no good purpose. Being conscious about our own attitude, we need to avoid embracing arrogance unless we have decided to destroy our own life


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