An Uncertain Life

Life exists in various forms. The innumerable creatures on this earth complete their lifespan leading a life filled with comforts, accomplishments and struggles. Man is one among these diverse life forms and noticeably evolved to a great extent in terms of thinking abilities. 
Water droplets on Lotus leaf
This position of human beings brings in a sense of superiority. The modern man is rapidly advancing scientifically at a great pace and can without any doubt claim that the entire world is under his control. But is that the reality?

Even though Man has been able to identify causes of many seemingly mysterious situations, provide rational explanations for circumstances found in nature, the secret of controlling life energy is still eluding the scientific community. 

How long will I live is a question that bothers intellectuals. The doctors are now able to cure many diseases however nobody can predict when a person will die. Of course there are people who don’t give a damn to these queries and instead concentrate on enjoying the glories that life bestows on them. They think that their life goeson forever but the impracticality doesn’t occur to them

This nature of mortal human beings prompted Adi Shankaracharya to explain the fragility of life in this verse of Bhaja Govindam.   

Nature of life by Adi ShankaracharyaHe cites the example of rain drops deposited on a lotus leaf. The drops will be quivering and can be non-existent the next moment. 

He indicates such is the nature of one’s life. We may think that our supreme life will be forever persistent but it is not true. 

Today we may be celebrating our achievements, tomorrow we may not be alive. We need to reflect upon this verse and search for a path that leads us towards realization. 


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