Better be alone than in bad company

Hitopadesha narrates the following story. A donkey once roamed in the forest and was content with the abundant food available in its surroundings. A wily fox noticed this heavily built animal and desired to make the donkey a feast. 

The fox befriended the donkey and gradually gained his confidence. One day, fox coaxed the donkey to move along with him to a different place to help his other friends. Little did the poor donkey know that the fox had hatched a plan to take him to the old lion. 
Without hesitation, donkey agreed to accompany the fox and that was the end of it.
Better be alone than in bad company

Well, it is next to impossible to lose sight of the moral from the above story. The caution that we need to exercise when mingling with others is not that easy to cultivate in our behavior. 

Man is a social being. We have to interact with other people for various reasons. Some occasions lead these interactions to turn into relationships. During our lifetime we will surely encounter a few who are cunning and deft in misusing the relationship. The unsuspecting poor donkeys will fall prey to their traps.

Thus it is said in an English proverb, “Better to be alone than in bad company”. We need to constantly be wary of our companions. They may put on a mask to appear pleasing, speak mellifluous but at the same time conspiring to deceive the very person who is having the utmost belief in them. 

We will have to inculcate the habit of evaluating one’s motives before providing our consent on the proposal. It is better to distance ourselves from the devious ones rather than blindly following them and ending up in trouble. 


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