The rich beggar’s pride

Life brings us face to face with situations of varying difficulties. It will not always be the same. It is the very nature of life to be cyclic. A person who is rich today may become poor tomorrow and a beggar this day may turn rich next day. 
Sanskrit verse saying that a person rich today may become poor tomorrow
Wealth in terms of possession of money and material items is just another transition in one’s journey of life. Keeping this in mind, we should always strive to be on the path of righteousness. But unfortunately the moment a person gets possession of such material wealth, a false sense of superiority creeps into the mind. 

If it is not curtailed in its initial stages of development, it will grow to become a monster known as pride. An egotistic feeling gets attached to any deed that is performed. The “I” factor becomes prominent in the behavior of such a person. The person would take it for granted that his possession will be with himself forever.  
It is well known that being excessively absorbed in oneself by preening about one’s richness is bound to result in one’s downfall. Learned people often draw a simile in terms of a beggar who becomes rich. 

If a poor man becomes wealthy he would order a servant to hold an umbrella over his head at midnight. It may sound insane but such is life’s way of subjecting one to maya. The monster in beggar’s mind would play vicious tricks and drag him to his ruin. Before he understands the reality, he would have returned to his inferior status. 
We should constantly remember the ways of nature and refrain from becoming egotistic. When fortune smiles on us, we should be poised in our behavior and have control on our mind in order to stamp out the pride before it becomes a monster.  


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