Origin of thoughts & their significance - Where do they come from?

An interesting question. Though there is no definitive answer available, each one of us have our own answer anyway! 

However numerous arguments have been and are being made by exponents from different backgrounds. Philosophers, scientists, doctors, yoga instructors are enthusiastically involved in making their case. Currently there is no specific theory that is widely accepted. 

View of Quantum Physics on thoughtsOne reasoning quotes quantum physics. It suggests that as everything in the world is considered to be made up of energy or vibrations, even thoughts are variants of energy. 

It goes on to say that there is no fundamental difference between people’s thoughts. 

Sparkles of energy will be produced based on our sensory interaction with external world in combination with the memory that we possess. Memory can be related to our past experiences. When we consciously pay attention, the thought gains energy. Otherwise the thought will be feeble and dies down. It is the energy that one exudes would be picked by another.

This element is elaborated further by intellectuals and they declare that thoughts are just a function of memory and experiences. They announce that there is no such thing as our thought. All thoughts come from outside – from external environment that we are in. According to them there is no originality in anyone’s thoughts.  

The doctors also have been exploring this. They are of the opinion that neural processes facilitate emergence of thoughts. However, the medical science doesn’t know for sure currently how thoughts emerge from neuron activity. 

They only rely on indirect evidence to support the argument that brain is the organ where thoughts get formed. Click here to read a neuroscientist’s viewpoint on the subject. 

Having heard different perspectives of origin of thoughts, it is clear we do not have a conclusive answer as to where do they come from. However, we have to admit that we lose massive amount of energy because we are continuously paying attention to our thoughts; we can say that weare losing energy through our thoughts.  

If we are able to conserve this energy, we can channelize the energy properly and thereby make us feel energetic. This is what “yoga” is according to Patanjali’s yoga sutras

According to Patanjali, to perform yoga is to reduce the number of thoughts to zero so that energy, which is otherwise wasted, can be utilized in the right manner and transition into Self-Realization.


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