way human mind operates is quite astonishing. There has been tremendous
advancement in the studies of human body and mind and naturally with
exploration mankind has understood lot many things about what constitutes our
However, with respect to the most complicated part of human body – brain,
there is a still long way to go.
Whether mind can be considered associated only
with the brain itself is a question which is debated at different forums.
would have noticed in your day to day activities that your mind certainly has
lot of amazing powers. For instance, just by looking at an event published in
the newspaper, your mind calculates lot of stuff at enormous speed and arrives
at options, possibilities, conclusions.
Possibly it is not being conscious
enough but next time you perform any mundane activity just pay little more
attention. You will really be surprised at what your mind is capable of. In
whatever means it performs, the argument is that there is a basic stereotype of
a person’s trait that the mind follows.
In an
attempt to map a person’s character to a certain attitude there is a ‘wheel’
created that is called a spirituality wheel. It seems that it determines your
most dominant trait! It is a quick assessment with 7 questions and doesn’t take
long. So why not give it a try?