We face situations in
life where the behavior of others take us by surprise. At times it may look
very obvious and in some other occasions the moves of a person would leave us
bewildered. And there is one thing that will definitely follow – criticism.
Most often this criticism will not be positive in nature and not constructive.
Only the wearer of the
shoe knows where it pinches is a saying in English which makes us ponder over
this point. It is easy to criticize others and knowing well that they will not
revolt will only add fuel to the fire.
But how justified we are if such an
action is performed without identifying ourselves in the situation which the
other person is into? Does it not become a prerequisite to find out what the
person has been through?
Yes, it definitely is an obligation on the part of an
observer before a meaningful delivery of words. If it doesn’t happen, the words
spoke will only be meant to cause a conscious damage to the person at the receiving
Whenever we face such a situation again, let us
resolve to get into the right frame of mind. Before we utter any word against
or for a person involved in the situation, let us walk a mile in the other
person’s shoes.
Let us understand the environment the person is in and what
phase he is going through and ask ourselves a question – what would I have done
if I were in his position? The reflections upon the answer to this question
would then lead to a meaningful conversation and constructive criticism when