Mysterious brain

Human brain is such a complex organ. The advanced scientific community has not been able to conclude on many of its perplexing features. However there are numerous theories that scientists have proposed by conducting various experiments.
One such experiment conducted attempts to find a relationship between the brain activity and shape of brain. More details available here. The process of thinking is itself shrouded in mystery and we are yet to understand on what basis the brain patterns are generated. 

The team involved has identified results that indicate the shape of the brain matters. It is well known fact that different shapes and material produce different sounds. Using this, man has created various musical instruments. 

Can this property of obtaining a specific type of sound wave using a specific shape be applied to brain too? The researchers involved in the above study respond positively. They also believe that it could shed some light on explaining few other nature’s wonders.  

See this video to get a glimpse of such unsolved mysteries of brain.

Video source: Youtube(

In the current practical world, it is not unjust to ask “Where can this be applied?”. It seems the intention is to find a way to use the outcome of this research to diagnose and treat consciousness disorders. 

However only time will tell if the research has been fruitful with respect to its intentions. It is only worth if it can benefit the society by some means. 


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