What is prayer?

Enter the words define prayer in Google, and lo, you get the dictionary definition of prayer! Well, it says, 
a solemn request for help addressed to God 

And yes, conventionally that’s what we understand as the meaning of prayer. If we have problems in our life, we turn towards God, pour our woes and ask that the problems be resolved.

Hands in prayer modeLet us look into it more deeply and ask ourselves the question Is this right? 

The answer would be Maybe, yes. During trying circumstances, it is appropriate to look upon something that is beyond our reach hoping that we gain mental succor. 

However, is it not stupid to routinely get into this mode for every silly problem that we come across? 

If the so-called God must take care of each and every difficulty that we face, then what is the significance of our “own” life? 

Sadhguru clarifies that true prayer is not an act but being prayerful is a quality.  He says that prayer, when understood in its real sense, is a means to open our lives to new possibilities. 

However, he also warns that people may succumb to hallucinatory fantasy. People start making up stuff, it is not real. He indicates that when the real experience of being prayerful occurs, a dialogue develops between the one who is praying and the divine that is omnipresent. When that state is reached, he says, the experience brings great joy.  

Watch this video in which Sadhguru explains this phenomenon of being truly prayerful. He narrates a beautiful story in laymen terms to drive home the point that prayer cannot be acted and rather should be a quality in our life.

Unexplained Mysteries

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