Being Human

In the current competitive world, everyone has to be on one’s toes always. The dynamic situations that one confronts daily demands one to be always alert to perform the job. Thus there is too much focus on the way we think and execute using our actions.

Charlie Chaplin, the greatest English comic actor was deeply moved by this fact. He couldn’t believe that people could become so materialistic that they had forgotten their human nature. 

This is what prompted him to say “We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity; more than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.”

Indeed, if we look at the world which we are living in, it sounds very true. We really think too much and work like machines. We get up daily, caught up with many chores, don’t get to finish them, carry the burden to the next day and this goes on. We have forgotten to sense the joy of life and the nature's beauty. 

We have become more like robots which don’t have any feelings attached. The core that makes us human is lost. And as Charlie Chaplin rightly mentioned, life will be violent in such circumstances. 

Let us try and make our lives more meaningful & beautiful by becoming more gentle & kind in nature. Machines are important but let us not allow them to rule us. 

Life’s Four Important Words

Nature has its mysterious ways of working. A mere individual like you and me will not be able to apprehend its course however we can only be observers. And instead of struggling & fighting against it, we need to learn the lesson of surrendering to Mother Nature. 

The basic notion prevalent in nature is change. There is nothing permanent. It is as though nature is announcing it very clearly in various forms. Seasons change, flowers bloom & fade, living creatures keep growing until death. We can see how nothing is constant.

But have we really acknowledged this fact? Maybe the answer is a rigorous nodding of head to signify acceptance. However this question has to be understood in depth. We see around us people who are always interested in the material world. 

They are too obsessed in their gains, wealth and the goody stuff they possess and have turned blind towards one of the fundamental principles of nature. They often resort to hoarding, try to increase their already overflowing wealth and in the process would forget the most important words of life: “This too shall pass”.

As nothing is permanent, even the riches, good stuff that one enjoys will not last long for a lifetime. Similarly the unfortunate situation that has befallen one will not continue to create misery. 

One should not boast of the great things in possession maybe it is in terms of wealth, followers, youthful energy and health. It is just a matter of time when these are lost in the lap of nature. 

Here's a video explaining this through a short story.

We should imbibe this important lesson in our mind and realize that whatever we have been going through has a certain time associated. Be it a happy or unhappy situation, it shall pass after taking us along through its course. 

Unexplained Mysteries

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